Dinner & Diner : Some words have similar spellings – in this case there’s just one letter difference between these two nouns. Dinner usually means the main meal of the day which is usually eaten in the evening in the west. For example, “What shall we have for dinner tonight?” or “Let’s go out for dinner”.
Diner means a customer in a restaurant, a person eating, or in the USA it can refer to a type of restaurant. An American diner is usually a moderate sized restaurant, with booth seating areas and a cozy and casual atmosphere. Some open 24 hours a day and can be seen mainly in the north-eastern and mid-western parts. The food served there tends to be from the grill, burgers, french fries, hot dogs, pancakes, waffles and milkshakes.
As an example sentence: “Pecan pie with vanilla ice cream is a favorite dessert of the diners at Tom’s diner” and “Now – let’s find a nice diner for our dinner!”