Placement test
Monday – Thursday 9.30 a.m – 6.30 p.m
Saturday – Sunday 9.00 a.m. – 2.00 p.m.
Closed on Friday
Term 3/2020
Registration Today – 12 March 2020
Term Dates
Weekend 14 March – 5 April 2020
Weekday 16 March – 9 Appril 2020
Note: If these dates do not match your schedule, contact us and ask about our “buffet program” and begin study at nearly any time and on a a schedule that matches your lifestyle.
2nd Floor, Prof.Prayoon Jindapradit Building, Burapha University, 169 Longhaad Road T.Saensuk A. Muang Chonburi 20131
Phone: 038 395 015, 062 704 1113
Fax: 038 393 469
Facebook: AUA Language Center Bang Saen
Line: auabs
Have a question? Contact us!
Mon – Thu 9.00 – 20.30
Sat – Sun 8.30 – 17.00
Closed on Friday
Featured Courses
Private: English for Academic Purposes
AUA’s EAP program offers three different levels which will take you from Getting Started, through Getting There to Being There. Each level has 2 components: Reading & Writing and Listening & Speaking. These courses provide English language preparation and academic skill development for students who are planning to study in an overseas university or in local university international programs. The program is designed to strengthen: language skills for academic study in an English speaking university setting academic presentation skills critical thinking skills the ability to learn independently *For 2017 academic terms, this course is offered in Bangkok-area branches only. Reading & Writing Component These sessions focus on reading and writing and are designed to develop and practice the reading, writing, and critical thinkingstrategies needed for analyzing and responding to academic texts. Strengthen your… Grammar Organization Vocabulary Improve your writing… Accuracy Fluency Listening & Speaking Component These sessions develop the listening and speaking skills needed for active participation in university-level courses. Learn how to… Take effective notes, Give presentations Lead and participate in class discussions Practice… Asking questions Sharing opinions Expressing agreement and disagreement Course Learning Outcomes Upon completion of this program students will be able to… have gained the ability to employ relevant tactics for distinct tasks, ranging from giving presentations to preparing coursework for overseas study be able to use rhetorical and logical language and tactics to express ideas effectively in writing engage critically with issues and express conceptual ideas fluently in academic English Course Structure 3 Levels (120 hours per level) 6-week course (60–120 hours per week) One or two 2.5-hour sessions per day, 4 days a week Requirements EAP Placement test for new students AUA Platinum (B1–B2 on the CEFR) Services Course advisement (“Is this course right for me?) To contact an AUA Advisor, click HERE.
Private: Junior English for Communication
Course Description Like the English for Communication program, the AUA Juniors program helps learners aged 12–14, at all levels, to speak English confidently in everyday situations. We use a coursebook series designed for younger teens and we have FUN with English! Course Objectives To enable students to understand and use…
English for Communication
This program helps learners at all levels to speak English confidently in everyday situations anywhere English is used. The focus is on spoken communication in a friendly and supportive environment, but there is also some reading and writing in each class to help develop all language skills. Course Objectives To…
Private: Exam Success
TOEIC SUCCESS The TOEIC (Test of English for International Communication) tests workplace communication and is used by companies and schools as an indication of your ability to use English in the workplace. TOEIC Success will help you to improve your listening and reading comprehension skills, develop your test-taking strategies, and provide you with TOEIC…
Private: Effective Writing
Course Description This program offers six levels of comprehensive skill building, with a focus on academic writing—the type of writing used in university courses and professional occupations. Levels 1, 2 and 3 focus on sentence and paragraph form, while Levels 4 and 5 focus on essays. Level 6 further develops…